ECM Aotearoa New Zealand

Many Christians in Aotearoa New Zealand are of European descent, and they have a deep concern for Europe and therefore want the message of the Gospel to be heard throughout the European continent. 

For this reason we are a registered Charity with a small sending office (one full-time staff member). Our vision is to see more Kiwis join us in sharing the Gospel in Europe. Our mission is to raise up New Zealanders to Go, Pray and Give to the mission of making Jesus known, and then to disciple believers, in Europe.

Outside NZ we work closely with ECM International (ECMI) and ECM Australia, and within NZ we partner with local churches, other mission organisations and Bible Colleges. Click here for details of some of our partners.

Get in touch to:

  • Have someone speak to your church or mission's group about mission in Europe
  • Join the team in NZ
  • Support the work of ECM in NZ

Contact us:

Address       : 156 Hinewa Road, Otūmoetai, Tauranga 3110
Telephone    : 022 303 9667
Email           : 
Website       :

Si vous connaissez des opportunités dans ce pays et voulez en discuter, veuillez nous contacter afin d'étudier ces opportunités ensemble!

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