Claudia Vink

We hear beautiful stories of the big things God does in Asia and Africa. However, God is not only a God of miracles far out but also of those close by. My desire is that more and more Christians in Europe will discover what God wants to do through them. I believe that in that case also nearby big things will happen and human lives will be changed and saved.
Claudia is married to Christiaan and mother of four boys. They live in Goor. After many years of having her own business in the furniture industry, she made the switch to youth care a few years ago.
"I became involved with ECM when I was a teenager in Austria. My Austrian grandmother was a missionary in Carinthia and a family friend (Eimert and Annette Fikse) moved to Austria to also work as missionaries. For two summers, my husband and I worked with an international team and among others, the Fikse family, on a campsite in a Christian animation team."
"A few years later, Eimert Fikse nominated me as a board member of ECM Netherlands. It's not easy, but it's beautiful to be involved with ECM's work in this way. To get to know wonderful people and to be a part of God's work in Europe up close."
Claudia is the chair of the board of ECM Netherlands. She is also a part of the international ECM board.
Trustee (International and Netherlands)
Pays d'origine

With ECM since 2008

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