Xavier & Olga Iglesias Monforte


Loving God, loving others and making disciples in the living rooms of our homes.

Xavier, Olga, and Pol Iglesias Vilamajó are serving in the Penedès region, between Barcelona and Tarragona, in Catalonia, Spain.

In 2014, following the calling that the Lord had put in their hearts, they left their house, family, jobs, and church to go to IBSTE, the seminary school near Barcelona. After the graduation in 2018, sent by the church of Castelldefels, they went to plant a church to Sant Jaume dels Domenys, a small village of the Penedès region, about 60 kilometers south of Barcelona. 

Their vision is to plant a network of evangelical home churches starting with their own house. As they met with others and lived the Christian life together, the group has grown in their faith and love. Small groups and quality relationships have improved the spiritual growth, in some cases quite dramatically. 

They are convinced that an effective and rewarding way to love God, love others and make disciples, is in the living rooms of our homes. 

First Culture Workers in Spain
Pays d'origine

With ECM since 2018

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