Tamás & Virág Győri

Tamás & Virág Győri are Hungarians serving in Budapest, Hungary’s world-class capital city. They join ECMI-USA to begin a new Christian gathering on the Buda side of the Danube River, part of our broader vision to plant new churches across Europe in the coming years.

While the partnership with European Christian Mission is new, ministry in Hungary is something Tamás and Virág have been doing together since they were married in 2000. Tamás is a 10th generation pastor, coming from a rich heritage of those who faithfully served Christ under duress during the years of Communist occupation. In addition, he has directed numerous publishing efforts in his role with Hungarian Ministries International, including the revised Karoli Bible and the Hungarian edition of the ESV Study Bible. Tamás played a key role in bringing This Is The Day, a worship event with 40,000 attendees, to Budapest’s new football stadium in July 2022.

Virág serves as Editor-in-Chief of Family Magazine and holds an advanced degree in Publishing. Her interpersonal and communication skills are assets for the ministry. She and Tamás look forward to serving the new Buda faith community together.

The Győri’s have three daughters at home. Part of their motivation for launching this group is so their daughters and other young people will find an ideal setting in which to explore the claims of Jesus and grow in Christian faith.

We welcome Tamás and Virág and their family to ECMI-USA! Please join us in praying for them in this church planting effort.

First Culture Workers in Hungary
Pays d'origine

with ECMI since 2022

Gyori - Image (Family)

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