Alistair and Rachel MacInnes

Charis, Lois

Al and Rachel serve in Greece with their daughters, Charis and Lois. After a period of language study Al will lead the team in Greece, supporting existing evangelical churches and helping them to plant new ones. Rachel serves as Lead Mobiliser for the HowWillTheyHear refugee ministry collaboration, which seeks to promote prayer and provide people and training to share the gospel with refugees and migrants in Europe. They are sent by Hope Community Church in Cambridge and supported by other churches in the area and beyond. 

After working as a Science and RE teacher in a secondary school, Al worked in student ministry with UCCF in the South West of England for several years. He then served as Church Evangelist with Rock Baptist in Cambridge before planting Hope Community Church where he became Pastor. He studied theology at Oak Hill Theological College, London and has an MTh from Union School of Theology.

Rachel studied French and German at university before serving in West Africa with Wycliffe Bible Translators and then with Tearfund in London. She ran a volunteer bureau in the south west of England before joining SIM in 2004 where she developed significant expertise in mobilisation before beginning her role with HowWillTheyHear.

Please pray...

  • for Al as he works with church leaders and networks to support the growth and planting of churches across Greece and develops the role of Country Coordinator for ECM

  • for Rachel in her ongoing work with HowWillTheyHear to support refugee and migrant ministry across Europe

  • for Charis and Lois to trust God and grow in their knowledge of him as they settle into a new country, culture and community

  • the family will be faithful members of a local church and use their gifts to build up God’s people and reach others for Christ

Cross Cultural Workers in Greece
Pays d'origine

With ECM since 2021

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