
17075400 km2

Whilst ECM is not actively recruiting missionaries for Russia, we are always keen to hear from individuals who have a heart for this country. If the Lord has placed Russia on your heart, and you have the relevant training and experience for church planting initiatives in new environments, please contact your nearest ECM office.

ECM’s purpose is to glorify God by the planting and developing of reproducing churches that evangelise and disciple the peoples of Europe. To gain a better understanding of who we are, please take a few moments to read our values.  

Please note that ECM can only explore service opportunities if you are from a country that has an ECM office or local partner. For a list of these locations, please click here.






Vast natural resources including gas, oil, timber and minerals as well as huge amounts of arable land offer great economic power and potential. Sheer size, geographic isolation and few decent seaports have historically limited advancement. Marxist centralized politics and infrastructure prevented efficient exploitation of these resources for the people's benefit, but did allow for large-scale plundering. Oligarchs, Russia's homemade billionaires, at an opportune moment seized control of what has been state industries, thus concentrating most of the economy in the hands of a few man. Centralized forces under a strong president, a revamped manufacturing sector and high oil prices turned around the economic disaster of the 1990s to a stronger performing decade from 2000 to 2010, but government rhetoric makes it difficult to obtain accurate figures. What is undeniable is that Russia's poor and unemployed number in the millions, and the economy remains very dependent on oil and gas exports. A huge budget deficit, endemic corruption and bribery, a crumbling and aged infrastructure, limited foreign investment, low productivity (both industrially and agriculturally) and, most alarmingly, rapid demographic decline - all present a challenging future for Russia.

The statistics are meant to give an impression, not to stigmatise. Statistics taken from "Operation World, 7th edition, 2010", see also

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