Ferrybank Christian Community Church

Implantations d'église
Ferrybank - Waterford
Ministry Type:
Children and YouthMercy MinistriesSensibilisation et EvangélisationTeaching (Language)

The church plant in Ferrybank, on the suburbs of Waterford City, has been faithfully reaching into the community since 2010.  In a placed which places a high value on relationships, we are a church family who seeks to show the welcome extended to all in the gospel of Christ. We are a small church with a big heart and are currently seeking God for renewal and a new chapter in reaching out. 

Currently, team members are involved in equipping and encouraging the church family to grow in love for Christ and others in the community- by preaching, teaching, encouraging, kids work. 

We also seek to share our lives and the gospel by drawing alongside others and through reaching out to families, children and youth in the community. 

Service Opportunities in Ferrybank and Waterford:


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