Greek Bible College Network Overhaul

Athens, Greece
Ministry Type:
Church DevelopmentTheological and Ministry Training

Since the pandemic, educational institutions in Greece now have to offer remote learning, making all students and faculty totally reliant on internet access. The Greek Bible College in Pikermi, a respected and renowned Christian College, is no exception to this. The problem that arises however is that the infrastructure in place is very old, misconfigured and badly designed.

ECMer George Christoforides says, “Having studied there between 2013 and 2014, I have since had the vision of designing their network from the ground up, from Wi-Fi access points to wiring and structured cabling. We now have to move ahead with this installation, but funds have only allowed us to upgrade about 1/4th of the network.”

The goal is to rebuild the whole network from scratch and eliminate points of failure, so that all the people on-site (faculty, visitors, students) may have stable Internet connectivity to access the necessary material, attend online classes and connect with friends and family back home (there are some international students). George, using his professional skills, started to work on this for one month, managing to finish the installation in one of the academic buildings, until they run out of funds to buy the materials to continue the work.

The Greek Bible College in Pikermi has around 50 students every year, offering different programmes that last from 1 to 3 years. There are only a handful of other seminaries in Greek, but this is the only one academically recognised and certified as an educational institution by the Greek government.

Would you join with us to raise the €5,450 still needed to connect students and faculty in this institution?

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