VIND - Churchplanting in Maastricht

Développement d'église missionnaire
Ministry Type:
Children and YouthMercy MinistriesSensibilisation et Evangélisation

In the city of Maastricht, in the south of the Netherlands, a team of Tjerk and Anneke van Dijk, Matthijs and Simone Laan and Stefan and Lisa Schenkel are building a missional community. They call it VIND (English: find). The centre of their ministry isn't a physical building, the centre is building relationships. They actively seek people and try to get into conversation about what they find important and how they try to find meaning in life.

Jesus Christ is the heart of VIND. Through all kinds of activities the team wants to show who Jesus is and what it means to be a community. They challenge people to focus their lives on Jesus. Some are still far away, others are closer, but everyone is welcome.

The team organizes many activities to reach the people in Maastricht, especially in the neighborhood 'Blauwdorp'. Every month there is a fun event and an accessible worship service. The team gives Alpha courses and there is a Bible study group based on the method of 'Discovery Bible Study'.

"Our desire is that as many people in Maastricht as possible will get to know Jesus," says the team. "How, through what, when or with whom: we will just keep sharing our faith and lives and pray that God will show us His ways."

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