Church planting in Azuaga, Badajoz
- Type:
- Implantations d'église
- Ville:
- Azuaga, Badajoz
- Ministry Type:
- Sensibilisation et Evangélisation
Azuaga has a population of 8000 and serves several smaller villages close by. Believers from here began to travel the 40 km to meet in the church in Peñarroya many years ago but with the desire to see a Spanish congregation formed locally.
The missionary pastors from Peñarroya moved here to establish better contacts but local meetings became impossible during the pandemic. A team of missionaries here could continue to support the work in Peñarroya, offer help to the small Baptist congregation in Llerena as well as disciple the few local believers.
Discipling and evangelistic skills are important locally as well as a willingness to support the ministries of other workers who are spread over large distances.